Wouldn’t it be nice if you never had to deal with assholes, narcissistic jerks, or sociopaths? I’m not sure why there seems to be an increase of them..but this site is dedicated to sharing stories and creating an arsenal to avoid or at least disengage when it is necessary.
We’ll explore the difference between these three characters, so you can decide which one best describes the person you are dealing with.
Let’s start with the Asshole. We’ve all seen them – they’re the abrasive, arrogant and often insensitive person who has no problem making people feel uncomfortable or unhappy. They never seem to think about the consequences of their actions, and often have no problem taking advantage of other people to get ahead.
The Sociopath, on the other hand, isn’t necessarily abrasive or mean-spirited, but they often lack empathy and emotions. Sociopaths will lie, manipulate, and often charm others in order to get what they want. They often lack any real relationships, and may even be charming and friendly upon first meeting, only to show their true colors once they’ve established a relationship.
Finally, we come to the Psychopath. Like sociopaths, psychopaths are often capable of charming and manipulating people in order to get what they want. The key difference is that psychopaths lack any real conscience, meaning that they lack remorse or guilt over the harm they may cause. They often lack any true empathy, and they are often extremely calculating and manipulative.
Please feel free to share your stories with stories@avoidingassholes.com If these stories are shared on the blog, we’ll use initials or otherwise try to change details – while we are here for entertainment purposes, we want to stay legal.
Safety Notes:
Now – a note from the blog owner, while I mean this mostly as a fun, satirical site, let’s be honest, we all know people who can get dangerous. Don’t put yourself in danger for a good story, and if you need help getting away from someone, let us know where you are and we will help you find resources. With that said, let the stories begin.